Senior Capstone Project
As a writer I personally find myself rapidly falling in love with the concept of form– but more specifically the art of breaking form. It’s an interesting concept, a writer who should love the usual grammatical practices and rules, while weaving together sentences into lines, and lines into stories. However, I’ve learned to love the process of learning the do’s and then throwing them out the metaphorical window [please forgive me Dr. Kaplin].
In this [hypothetical] class, I want to experiment with creative nonfiction, and how we can dive into what is a text, and how we can break that down into something new and almost unrecognizable. To do so, we will look into different writings, interactive web-based creations, prose, and more.
To learn the art of breaking form, we must first create an understanding of what that form is. To do so we will spend at least the first week or two discussing our definitions of form, texts, and our perceived vision of our own writing. Then we will break off from this, creating our own meanings. This will start with the provided/required readings (however not a lot, just enough to get the idea), and then put that newfound logic to the test.
Workshops are an important part of learning and polishing a piece of creative work into something brighter– so workshops will be a part of our creative process. We will do one small group workshop, as this can give you time to further know some of your peers and their works in a smaller//less intimidating setting. While this is a safe space for all things good, I understand the anxiety of sharing personal work with an entire class. However, it is also a great way to grow as a person and increase our confidence in our writing. So we will do at least one large group workshop. The class will read the piece and make a workshop letter written specifically for you to be placed in your google folder. This will give you time to read what others thought, especially if not everyone has time to share in the larger setting– however it would be appreciated if everyone chimed in at least once during each workshop we do.
Other readings as mentioned above will be included in your overall grade, as well as the in-class workshops. Attendance is mandatory to learn and grow, however I understand that life happens– just make sure to communicate that with me as soon as you know you won’t be able to attend. This is due to the fact that in class participation is important to me as a writing professor, and to you and your peers as writers//creatives. This is how we grow, with one another and from one another.
Here are the books we will read:
- Her Read: A Graphic Poem by Jennifer Sperry Steinorth (required)
- Stranger in a Village by James Baldwin (provided, online PDF)
- Ordinary Genius: A Guide for the Poet Within by Kim Addonizio (required)
- Other texts will be provided [all of these are hypothetical and what I have on my mind now as options, they may change, especially if this class ever became more than just a pitch//potential]
This is an honest and open space– everyone is and will be without exception welcome to be themselves in this classroom. No form of hate will be tolerated at any cost. Writing is about being who you are and sharing the story through words. This class is a creative nonfiction class, which means a lot of what is being written [if not all] is real lived experiences that someone is being brave enough to share. In this, and for this, we will not spread hate or others work outside of these four walls. We will listen and give constructive criticism and praise. All writing deserves that– so if you want respect and kind words, give that to others as much if not more. Writing is a vulnerable thing, so let's make this space as comfortable for sharing as it is for cultivating the creativity to do so.
I am very excited to dive into this genre with you, and don’t forget to write like a motherfucker.
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